Bitget Wallet has recently integrated trading support for opBNB tokens on Bitget Swap, the wallet’s in-built swap feature. By integrating PancakeSwap V3, Bitget Swap now offers users the ability to obtain price quotes and perform trades directly from their mobile app or browser extension. Beyond token trading, users can also manage their assets on opBNB, execute transfers, and interact with opBNB ecosystem DApps within the wallet. Currently, Bitget Swap supports 44 blockchains, aggregating liquidity of hundreds of mainstream DEXs and cross-chain bridges. It has also pioneered a gas-free trading experience and automatic slippage adjustment with automatic filtering of high-risk tokens. Additionally, its smart market data displays also consolidates market-wide data across all blockchains and various metrics, while also offering a ‘Smart Money’ feature that allows users to easily discover new assets in order to be the first to capitalize on new trading opportunities.