Bitget Wallet Supports Avalanche Token Quote to Facilitate On-Chain Swap

Bitget Wallet (formerly BitKeep Wallet) has recently added support for tokens on the Avalanche chain on Bitget Swap, the wallet’s integrated swap feature. Following this integration, users will be able to view real-time candlestick chart data as well as detailed on-chain transaction information on both their mobile and browser extension wallets. Users will be able to view important metrics such as transaction records, as well as capital and liquidity flow. Further, users can also view leaderboards for tokens on the Avalanche blockchain, gleaming comprehensive insights on the chain’s market performance.

Bitget Wallet has aggregated over 10 leading trading protocols on Avalanche, including Trader Joe, SushiSwap V2, and 1inch. By building cross-chain bridges and integrating protocols like Swft and Bungee, it supports same-chain and cross-chain transactions for Avalanche mainnet tokens, offering users a fast, convenient, and gas-free on-chain trading experience.
