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Revolutionizing Real-World Assets with ERC-6960: A Simple Guide

by Adam Boudjemaa


Blockchain technology has been making waves in various sectors, and one of the most exciting developments is the introduction of the ERC-6960 token standard. This new standard, also known as the Dual-Layer Token (DLT) standard, is set to revolutionize the way we handle Real-World Assets (RWAs). But what exactly is ERC-6960, and how will it change the world? Let’s break it down in simple terms.

The Problem with Existing Token Standards

Before we dive into ERC-6960, it’s important to understand the limitations of existing token standards. The most common ones, ERC-20 and ERC-721, are great for representing fungible (interchangeable) and non-fungible (unique) assets, respectively. However, they fall short when it comes to representing fractional ownership of an asset.

For instance, if you wanted to invest in a piece of real estate or a valuable piece of art, you’d have to buy the entire asset. This is often too expensive for the average person. This is where ERC-6960 comes in.

To fully appreciate the revolution that ERC-6960 brings, let’s compare it with other popular token standards:

  1. ERC-20: This is the most common token standard used for fungible tokens. Fungible tokens are interchangeable, like currency. One ERC-20 token is identical to another. However, ERC-20 doesn’t support non-fungible or semi-fungible tokens, and it doesn’t allow for fractional ownership.
  2. ERC-721: This standard is used for non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Each ERC-721 token is unique, making them perfect for representing ownership of unique items or assets. However, like ERC-20, ERC-721 doesn’t support fractional ownership.
  3. ERC-1155: This is a more advanced standard that supports both fungible and non-fungible tokens. It’s more flexible than ERC-20 and ERC-721, but it still lacks some features. It doesn’t have built-in support for fractional ownership, and managing diverse asset types within the same contract can be inefficient.

What is ERC-6960?

ERC-6960 is a new token standard designed by the team at Polytrade. It’s a unique way to represent RWAs on the blockchain and support fractional ownership. This means that it can break down a single asset into smaller parts, each owned by a different person. Think of it like a pizza: one large pizza can be divided into several slices, each owned by a different person. That’s the basic idea behind fractional ownership.

Why is ERC-6960 Important?

The beauty of ERC-6960 lies in its flexibility and efficiency. It overcomes the limitations of existing token standards, which struggle to support fractional ownership of both fungible (interchangeable) and non-fungible (unique) tokens.

For example, let’s consider a painting. With traditional token standards, you could only own the entire painting or not own it at all. But with ERC-6960, you can own a fraction of that painting, just like owning a slice of the pizza. This opens up new possibilities for investment and ownership that were not possible before.

How Will ERC-6960 Revolutionize Real-World Assets?

  1. Improved Asset Management: With ERC-6960, managing assets becomes more organized and efficient. It’s easier for developers to handle complex scenarios involving diverse asset types with multiple attributes.
  2. Increased Scalability: The dual-layer structure of ERC-6960 ensures scalability. It’s designed to handle various asset types and their attributes without sacrificing efficiency. This is crucial when dealing with RWAs that can have multiple components and require flexible management.
  3. Enhanced Interoperability: As a standard, ERC-6960 promotes a more cohesive ecosystem by facilitating interaction and integration with other blockchain projects, wallets, and marketplaces. This interoperability is essential for the growth and adoption of blockchain technology across various industries.
  4. Fostering Innovation: The versatility of ERC-6960 encourages developers to explore new and creative applications across industries and use cases. The unique combination of mainId and subId structures makes it easier to adapt to different scenarios and requirements, enabling innovative solutions that might not be possible with other token standards.

The Impact on Different Sectors

The introduction of ERC6960 can have a profound impact on various sectors:

  • Real Estate: Fractional ownership can make real estate investment more accessible to the average person. Instead of buying an entire property, you can buy a fraction of it.
  • Art and Collectibles: Art pieces and collectibles can be expensive. With ERC-6960, you can own a fraction of these assets, making it more affordable to invest in them.
  • Finance: ERC-6960 can revolutionize financial products like bonds and derivatives by enabling fractional ownership and more efficient management.


In a nutshell, ERC-6960 is set to revolutionize the way we handle RWAs by providing a more flexible, efficient, and scalable solution. It opens up new possibilities for asset management, investment, and ownership. As we move forward, it’s exciting to see how this new standard will shape the future of blockchain technology and the world at large.

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