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Web3 game platform Intella X raised $12 million in private funding

Web3 game platform Intella X tweeted, it raised $12 million in private funding. Polygon, Animoca Brands, Magic Eden, Planetarium, Big Brain Holdings, Crit Ventures, JoyCity, Pearl Abyss, XL Games, Wemix and Global Coin Research participated in this funding. The platform is scheduled to go live later in the first quarter. The product launch will include Intella X’s proprietary Web3 wallet, decentralized exchange, NFT marketplace, Launchpad, and some games.

Intella X is a Web3 game platform jointly developed by Korean game companies Neowiz and Polygon. The platform will reward its ecosystem contributors, including game developers and users through its native tokens, and Its revenue share will be redistributed back to contributors.


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